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Schaeffer Manufacturing Co.


Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants has been a prominent player in the lubrication industry for over 180 years, building a strong reputation since its founding in 1839. Schaeffer’s recognized the limitations of their existing trade show setup, comprised of basic velcro portable displays, and wanted to create a more impactful booth experience. 

Initially, they used basic velcro portable displays, and quickly recognized the limitations of their existing setup and the need for a more impactful display.

To achieve this, Schaeffer’s turned to E3 for an innovative approach.

Their goal was to achieve a “wow factor” that would draw attendees’ attention and better represent their brand’s innovation and quality. They were also looking for a trusted exhibit management partner to handle their trade show logistics, including installation and dismantling services. Additionally, they needed a versatile booth solution that could adapt to different space requirements and streamline their trade show setup process.





E3 collaborated with Schaeffer to develop a comprehensive solution focused on showcasing their products and optimizing their exhibit management process.


“The displays came together beautifully, and we appreciate how easy E3 made everything for us.”

First, E3 updated Schaeffer’s existing trade show exhibits. The goal was to provide Schaeffer’s with different options to match their specific trade show needs. E3 created two new exhibit designs to provide Schaeffer’s with the flexibility they were looking for: 
  1. Booth Design #1: A portable 30-foot wall comprised of three frames that can be split apart to create a 20-foot and three 10-foot booths. E3 incorporated custom shelves designed to display Schaeffer’s oil canisters, while counters made from barrels provided an engaging platform for showcasing a miniature running model of an engine.

2. Booth Design #2: A structural booth featuring 20 feet of backlighting to highlight Schaeffer’s products. Custom shelves were added to display their product range effectively. Additionally, a 10-foot portion of the booth serves as a functional closet, addressing Schaeffer’s storage challenges while maintaining a clean and organized booth appearance.

3. Exhibit Management Services: Lastly, E3 created an Exhibit Management Program tailored to Schaeffer’s trade show needs. With the Exhibit Management program, Schaeffer’s was offered the convenience of cloud-based inventory management, ensuring efficient tracking and organization of their exhibit assets. This advanced system automated workflows, replacing manual processes, and enhanced the management and shipment of trade show materials. The program also provided a trusted team for booth installation and dismantling.


Schaeffer’s collaboration with E3 resulted in a notable improvement in their trade show presence.

The flexible booth designs enabled seamless adaptation to various trade show spaces while maintaining a cohesive and professional appearance throughout. Incorporating custom elements such as backlit shelves and functional storage solutions not only enhanced the aesthetics of their exhibits but also addressed practical challenges.

“We had a lot of great comments on our booth at the show, and the reps are looking forward to working in the booth again.”


Additionally, E3’s streamlined process for each show significantly reduced the time and stress associated with setup and logistics. This allowed Schaeffer’s to direct their focus towards engaging with potential customers and effectively showcasing their products. The upgraded booths delivered the desired “wow factor,” capturing increased attention and interest from attendees. Ultimately, this collaboration led to a substantial improvement in Schaeffer’s brand presence at trade shows. 

The Challenge

La Aurora, a company with a 120-year legacy of crafting world-class premium cigars, recently made its American return at the Premium Cigar Association Expo in Las Vegas. The company’s founders, who were very family-oriented, used those values to build their business, and the owners wanted their exhibit to reflect that as well. In addition, as a world-wide industry leader re-establishing itself in the US market, they wanted to make a big splash, showcasing their products while being welcoming and entertaining.

The Solution

To achieve this, La Aurora’s 40×50 exhibit incorporated design and structural elements that reflected the company’s brand and legacy. The design was predominantly composed of pale yellows, gold, and white with accents of dark stained wood panels, creating an elegant and welcoming feel. The exhibit also required a lot of seating to invite others to socialize and get comfortable, as well as a private meeting area that was well-ventilated for sampling their cigars. 

The designers at E3 went to nearby cigar shops to gather information on how to showcase the products. As a result, they came up with slanted shelves and deliberate lighting to accentuate the items. In the product display area, custom-built display cases were designed to enclose products like in a museum. During the PCA event, some La Aurora owners from the Dominican Republic showcased their family heirlooms and interesting antiquities in these cases, adding a personal touch to the exhibit. 

To highlight La Aurora’s rich 120-year history, a timeline was created on the back wall that narrated the company’s story. At PCA, this proved extremely useful during interactions with the media, and it was an excellent way to brief journalists about La Aurora. The dark-stained wooden slats resembled the color of cigars and added character to the exhibit’s overall appearance. Additionally, they were utilized to provide ventilation in the private boardroom. 

La Aurora recently introduced a unique combination of coffee and rum as their latest product offering. To highlight and provide customers with a chance to try these products, it was only fitting to have a bar on display. This not only allowed customers to try the new products but also added to the welcoming atmosphere of the exhibit. 

The Impact

The team members of La Aurora were thrilled to see the display in person at the PCA. They praised its beauty and structure, and the exhibit made such a splash that it was awarded “Best In Show.” An eye-catching and inviting exhibit allowed the trade show team to actively engage with customers and create an experience that was unique and comfortable. The aim was to recreate the welcoming atmosphere that was successful for La Aurora in the Dominican Republic. 

Overall, the La Aurora exhibit was a huge success, and the company’s U.S. team was able to make a strong impression on the cigar scene with their American debut. The exhibit’s design and structural elements reflected the company’s brand and legacy while also creating a welcoming and entertaining atmosphere that engaged customers and showcased La Aurora’s premium products in the best possible way. 

"If people want a booth that's executed well and [has] the support that you need, E3 XPS is the first recommendation we have."
La Aurora
John Ferrigan
National Sales Manager
"We felt like they understood our vision quickly, were able to work with our creatives, and execute on a vision that we couldn't be more proud of."
La Aurora
Ed McKenna
