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What are the Different Types of Exhibition Stands?

Whether you’re gearing up for your first trade show or are a seasoned exhibitor, you know the importance of a good exhibition stand and the different types of exhibition stands. In this post, we’ll explore the various types of exhibition stands and the unique considerations for each, ensuring you make a lasting impression on your potential customers.

Inline Exhibits: Compact and Functional

Inline exhibits, as the name suggests, are generally smaller types of exhibits, ranging from a 10×10 space to 10×20 and up. These stands usually have an eight-foot height requirement for the back wall.

For the front five feet of the exhibit, the height needs to be at or under four feet to avoid obstructing the view of neighboring exhibits. This is essential because inline exhibits often have another exhibitor on either side.

Variations of Inline Exhibits: End Cap and Corner Booths

If you want a touch of uniqueness within the constraints of an inline exhibit, you might consider an end cap or a corner booth. While the corner booth still adheres to the parameters of standard inline exhibits, it boasts one open side. On the other hand, an end cap, while still giving you a 10×20 space, also provides a more open experience with 3 open sides.

Making the Most of Inline Exhibits

In the trade show world, perception is everything. With an inline exhibit, you may not have the vast space that larger setups offer, but with a strategic design, you can still make a big splash.

Focus on the exhibit’s functionality, and then enhance it with attention-grabbing elements. This could include a backlit feature, a 3D halo-lit logo, or other eye-catching components to draw visitors into your space. Remember, first identify your exhibit’s functionality, then spice it up with elements that pull in the crowd.

Island Exhibits: Spacious and Grand

Defining Island Exhibits

The other primary exhibition stand to be aware of is the island exhibit. In stark contrast to inline exhibits, island exhibits have all four sides open, each side facing an aisle. They offer a lot of freedom in design, with the ability to go as high as 16 feet. Additionally, they can have rigged signs and allow more creative freedom to set up the overall experience you wish to offer.

Challenges and Opportunities with Island Exhibits

Island exhibits, while offering a lot of space and flexibility, come with their own set of challenges. Since there are four open sides, you have to consider multiple entrance points. The flow of the exhibit becomes crucial here.

Do you want a centralized reception where attendees can check in for a meeting? Or would you prefer a more open and inviting setup, allowing visitors to find their representative independently? Properly identifying your interests will help to create an exhibit that best suits all your needs.


Whether you’re leaning towards an inline or an island exhibit, remember that the goal is to create an inviting and memorable space for your attendees. The design, flow, and functionality all play a part in ensuring you make the most of your exhibit opportunity.

If you need assistance in picking the perfect exhibition stand for your next event, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you stand out and make a lasting impression.

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