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What Services Do Trade Show Companies Provide?

When diving into the world of trade shows, it’s crucial to remember that not all trade show companies provide the same services. Before you dive in headfirst, a bit of background research is highly recommended. Understanding the offerings of your potential partner can make all the difference in your trade show experience.

Three E’s: Exhibits, Events, and Environments


From a modest banner stand to a custom modular island exhibit, E3 XPS boasts a wide spectrum of exhibit solutions. But it doesn’t just stop at creating these masterpieces. E3 XPS’s commitment extends to the long-term management of these components after their inception. That way, you don’t have to worry about the journey your exhibit takes after the show is over.


Whether you’re hosting an intimate get-together in your facility or a large-scale corporate event, branding and engagement are vital. With services that include branding aids, furniture, and other engagement tools, E3 XPS ensures that your event leaves an indelible mark on all its attendees.


Ever thought about how the ambiance of your workspace can influence employee morale and visitor perceptions? E3 XPS thinks about this a lot! From branding solutions for both the interior and exterior of your building to creating vibrant atmospheres, E3 XPS ensures that everyone—from employees to clients—loves where they are.

Exhibits – More Than Just a Stand

While exhibit solutions are among the most common services trade show companies provide, E3 XPS believes in delivering more than just the immediate need. They aim to cater to your entire program.

That might mean offering a modular solution that transitions from a 10×10 stand to a 10×20, and eventually, to an island exhibit. The mantra is simple: Develop solutions based on the client’s needs, not just the immediate demand.

Beyond Exhibit Creation

Creating an exhibit is just the tip of the iceberg. The real challenge is ensuring that everything, from brochures to giveaways, reaches the trade show without a hitch. With a cloud-based inventory management system, clients can actively monitor their items, and upon request, the E3 XPS team initiates a meticulous pull-and-prep process.

This intricate process involves:

  • Retrieving items from the warehouse.
  • Quality-checking each item for damages.
  • Counting every component to ensure no surprises during the trade show.

The objective? Zero last-minute challenges on the show floor!

Hands-Off Show Management – The E3 XPS Way

If you’re among those who prefer to remain hands-off during the entire process, E3 XPS has got you covered. From scheduling services like electrical setups to handling material logistics, their team can manage it all.

The best part? Instead of juggling multiple invoices from various service providers, E3 XPS consolidates everything into one, making the entire process streamlined and hassle-free.


Remember, when assessing potential partners, consider what trade show companies provide in their entirety. With comprehensive services like those offered by E3 XPS, you can ensure a smooth, memorable trade show experience.

Feel free to contact us if you need assistance in navigating the world of trade shows.

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